My husband does not.
We have the perfect pair. Our boy and our girl. They are both amazing.
It feels like something is missing.
I don't know if we have another baby if that will be filled or if I will just always want to have another.
Life is good right now. Our baby is 2! Two is big. Two can do a lot of things on her own. Our oldest is 4. Four is an adult. He doesn't need me at all. Maybe he needs me, a little. Mostly to cuddle. I am a great cuddler. It's because I am warm. Judah likes to tell me he can't sleep without me because his bed is cold and I am the only thing that makes him warm. I like this.
If we had another I would need a bigger bed.

We have also been doing babies and kids since we got married. A break would be nice.
I have baby fever.
If we are done having babies then that season is over. It's a hard season. When you are in the middle of it, the lack of sleep, the lack of accomplishment, can leave you very empty.
I think that I am more okay with that than ever before.
If we have more kids then the ages get all mixed up. Right now our kids are pretty much happy to do whatever, with us, with each other. It's a balanced dynamic.
I have baby fever.
My body aches to carry one more life. I love being pregnant. Don't remind me of this when I am pregnant. I love giving birth. I really, really want to do this again. Avi was SO easy. Labor was cake. Fine. Not really, but compared with Judah's, it was definitely cake. I want another labor like that.
I can be very, very happy with life right now. I can enjoy the moments. Appreciate how we are growing.
It will probably always hit, hard and in the gut, this yearning for one more.

for now.
I'll live with baby fever.
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